Monthly Archives: May 2012

St. George’s Memorial Church

 St George's Anglican Church

St George’s Anglican Church, Oshawa Ontario

I love these old buildings and their history. When I was in this church I could not help but stop and wonder about the people and families that attended this church. What were all their stories, their hopes, their lives, who they were the generations etc. Sometimes I wish these buildings could speak to us about all that they have seen.

Here is there web site ( you would like to find out more about this church

Backyard Cardinal

Backyard Cardinal

The Concept of Wedding

Concept of Wedding

Concept of Wedding – [click to view larger image]

Both of these were taken as part of a class that I am taking. As I was waiting to take a turn shooting our happy copule, I started to play with the my camera. I then changed my persecutive as well as my focus and came up with these two shots. I did a little editing in LightRoomwhere I changed the saturation and vibrance levels.

Dearly Beloved - the Wedding

Dearly Beloved – the Wedding – [click to view larger image]

The end result was that these were not part of our assignment however these were more for me. I am learning to use a shorter lens thanks to a good friend of mine Ann. You can see her work at

Thanks Ann for helping me.

Ferrari the Smiling Car

Ferrari the Smiling Car

Ferrari the Smiling Car

Walking along the streets of Montreal my son spotted this Ferrari and asked me to take a picture of it. I got low so that I could capture the car and it’s lines. When I look at this photo I am reminded of the Disney movie Cars, and now all I see is a smiling car. Not sure if Ferrari would agree with my view.

Cheers all.

Mirror Mirror (the Portrait)

Mirror Mirror (the Portrait)

Mirror Mirror (the Portrait) [to see a larger version click image]

I took this shot of my sister in-law as she was doing the dishes. She has a mirror over her sink that allows her to still see and engage with visitors who are there. I though this would make an interesting portrait, so I waited for her to look at herself in the mirror. I bounced a flash off the wall to the left however, her kitchen is a bright yellow wich made everything look yellow so I muted the colors a little.

Mirror Mirror (the Portrait BW)

Mirror Mirror (the Portrait BW) [to see a larger version click image]

Then this morning I started to play with the photo in black & white and added a little vignetting (dark oval border) to the photo. For a good explanation about vignetting click here. I like sometimes leaving an image for a day or so then come back to it and continue editing, its like seeing it again with new eyes.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Raccoons in the Park

Raccoons In the Park 1

Raccoons In the Park 1

Raccoons In the Park 2

Raccoons In the Park 2

Raccoons In the Park 3

Raccoons In the Park 3

I took this photo on Mount-Royal in Montreal. These raccoons were so accustom to people that they would take food right out of your hand. They look cute an cuddly however they are animals and you should always be cautious around wild life.

Wheels in the Sky Keep on Turning

Ferris Wheel

Ferris Wheel Niagara SkyWheel

Warm Summer Night & a Fountain – Light Painting

Fountain Light Painting

Fountain Light Painting

[click image to see larger version]

This weekend the weather was simply beautiful at night. The family took a walk together around a local park, my sons and I stayed back and took several photos of a fountain while playing with a flash. It was great to see both my boys getting creative and having a great time. I really enjoyed this special moment together.

Dark Skies

Niagara Falls Buffalo

Niagara Falls Buffalo

Niagara Falls Buffalo

From the Canadian side we have a clear view of Niagara Falls Buffalo. I really enjoy going to the falls, on my next trip out there I would like to go later in the day. So I would be able to catch the falls at night. When the lights hit the falls at night they become magnificent.

I read recently that on June 15, 2012 Nik Wallenda will walk across Niagara Falls. You can follow his training at 

Niagara Falls Canada

Niagara Falls Canada