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Marengo Caves Indiana

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I had previously visited these caves before and really enjoyed the experience. On this occasion I brought along my camera and a tripod. I thought that the guides there would have given me a hard time. To my surprise it was the complete opposite they were very helpful and accommodating.

If you are ever in the area be sure to stop and take a tour. These walking tours are approximately 1 hour in length, which is an ideal and the experience is really fun and interesting.


According to current geologic theory, Marengo Cave began to form approximately one million years ago. There is no documented evidence that anyone ever entered Marengo Cave before its historic discovery on September 6, 1883 by Orris and Blanche Hiestand, brother and sister, who lived in Marengo. The main corridors were quickly explored by Samuel Stewartâs son and his friends the following Sunday. Recognizing the value of what they had found, the Stewart’s immediately opened the cave to the public. The cave remained in the Stewart family until 1955. The present owners purchased the cavern in 1973 and have greatly expanded the operations.

Please feel free to leave me your comments or critiques.