Blog Archives




Capturing the concept of what success means to my teenaged son, one word concept photo.

Football Season Begins

Lining Up

Lining Up

Football (American) season has begun for us here in Canada. I must say of all the sports I shoot, Football is my favorite. I love this game, as teams need to have various skills, which allows for all kinds of different types of players. From huge linemen, small fast receivers and nimble strong and fast running backs. Every play requires each player to play a part work together as one.

The one thing I love here is that no one player is the only star it truly is a team sport. The boys I get to shoot are rough on the field and yet real gentlemen off the field.

The Goaltender

Between the Pipes

[Click on the image above to see a larger version]

This has to be my favorite photo I took from this year’s hockey season. This was taken during the players warm up. I love how the goaltender seemed to be looking straight into the camera and is framed by two teammates. This image always draws me in.

Please leave me your comments or critiques.