Tossing the Bouquet in 3, 2, 1

Was at my brother in-law’s wedding and wanted to capture the bouquet toss in action. This shot requires some pre planning on my part so the first thing to do is ask the wedding coordinator to instruct the brinde to do a fake toss before she actually throws the bouquet. If you miss the toss and subsequent scramble you will have the first shot setup nicely.

click the images to see a larger version

Secondly I want to be high up so, for this shot I kicked off my shoes and stood on a chair facing the bride with all the ladies in the background. Just before the fake toss I managed to capture her looking at her bouquet, this is nice as she looks as if she is making a wish (first image).

The second shot is of the toss that one I wanted to capture the bouquet going up and having just her eyes in the bottom of the frame. What I did not could on was how strong her throw would be the bouquet went way out of my frame fast and hit the ceiling. Then I waited for the jump / scramble. I am happy that I usually take sports shots like football or hockey, that experience did come in handy here.

The toss is one moment that happens so fast and you only get one shot at it…well like the rest of the wedding πŸ™‚

Sorry for the long delay between post but life is on fast forwad these days.

The History of the Toss
Centuries ago, brides traditionally carried with them aromatic bunches of garlic, fruit blossoms, herbs, and grains to drive away evil spirits and symbolize prosperity. Over the years, the herbs and grains were replaced by flowers, a sign of happiness that represented fertility and everlasting love. At the same time, another tradition began that was not as popular with brides. Guests tried to get a fragment of the bride’s clothing as a symbol of good fortune, sometimes tearing the wedding dress apart before the bride left the celebration. Out of self defense and a desire to not have their dress torn to pieces, brides thought of some alternatives and so the bouquet and garter toss began.

Traditionally performed after the cake cutting, the groom removes and throws the garter to the unmarried gentlemen. Then the bride tosses her bouquet to the unmarried ladies. Both recipients are considered lucky and will be the next to wed, but, of course, not necessarily to each other. Some ceremonies extend the ritual and include the gentleman putting the caught garter onto the lady who received the bouquet. A simple and beautiful custom, the bouquet toss celebrates the good fortune of the happy couple. Excerpt from

Posted on September 26, 2012, in Photograph, Photography and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Nice to see a new post…I can relate to being busy! Very fun shots and a beautiful bride….I find myself wondering, did the woman who jumped higher than the others catch it, or did she miss it in the air and leave a scramble beneath?
    It was quite funny at my wedding. One of the photos of the scramble (everyone at the wedding had a disposable camera, so most of the men got a boquet toss shot of some sort for us) showed the gal that caught it, diving forward with her hair streaming out behind her in her speed to catch it. Most of the others were nonchalant, so she was teased ever after about her anxiousness to be married….she’s still single 13 years later. Oh well!

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